1. Font size

Size is one of the essential properties of a font. The visibility of our content majorly depends on the font size. Predominantly, the Beamer font size was defined in terms of points—for instance, 9 pts, 11 pts, 32 pts, etc .

The following code highlight different Beamer font size that can be obtained using the above commands:

% Beamer font size

% Theme choice


\begin{frame}{Font size in Beamer (default)}

\tiny This is tiny font size

\scriptsize This is scriptsize font size

\footnotesize This is footnotesize font size

\small This is small font size

\normalsize This is normalsize font size

\large This is large font size

\Large This is Large font size

\LARGE This is LARGE font size

\huge This is huge font size

\Huge This is Huge font size



which yields the following output:

Beamer Font size

Replacing \documentclass{beamer} to \documentclass[14pt]{beamer} , all font sizes will be shifted where the normal size now is 14pt instead of 11pt. Here is the obtained result:

2. Font family

Font family is the second most important property of a Beamer font. Beamer typesets all its text in the Computer modern font. There are three types of CM fonts : CM Roman, CM San Serif and CM Typewriter.

Check the following code to get an idea about setting the font family in Beamer:

% Beamer Font family

% Theme choice


\begin{frame}[fragile]{Beamer Font family}

\verb|\rmfamily|: \rmfamily CM Roman

\verb|\sffamily|: \sffamily CM Sans serif

\verb|\ttfamily|: \ttfamily CM Typewriter

\verb|\mathrm|: \mathrm CM upright and sans-serif math font



which yields the following:

  • The used commands are: \rmfamily for CM Roman, \sffamily for CM Sans serif, \ttfamily for CM Typewriter and \mathrm for CM upright and sans-serif math font.
  • We added the option [fragile] to be able to use verbatim inside a frame, a more details can be found in “Beamer Code Listing — Syntax highlighter” lesson.

Besides the font family, beamer has two font series which decide the stroke intensity of the font. The two types of series are : regular and bold. These are obtained using the commands \mdseries and \bfseries, resepectively.

3. Font shape and style

% Beamer font shape

% Theme choice


\begin{frame}[fragile]{Beamer Font shape and style}

\verb|\upshape|: \upshape This is upright text.

\verb|\slshape|: \slshape This is slanted text.

\verb|\itshape|: \itshape This is italics text.

\verb|\scshape|: \scshape This is  small caps text.



which yields the following output:

Beamer Font shape and style

The upright shape is the default shape for the normal text. The slanted and italics text are seldom used in presentations. The italics font will look same as slant font if the sans-serif font family is used. To have a Times italics effect, the serif font family is mandatory. Italics font shape is used for math. However, the practice of using bold colored text for highlighting is recommended.

The last shape is the small caps. This shape uses smaller versions of the uppercase letters for normal typesetting lowercase letters.

4. Font weight

The thickness of the font is referred to as the font weight. The two weights
that are often used are : regular and bold. The bold text is used to create emphasis on a particular topic. The other font weights available in beamer are semibold, ultrabold, thin, and ultrathin.

5. Font Themes

In this section, we will learn the different pre-defined font themes in beamer. These themes can be used to change the global structure of the presentation.

– Theme font: Default

The default font theme installs sans serif font for all text of the presentation and installs different font sizes for elements like titles, headlines and footlines, but does not use boldface or italics for “highlighting.”

Consider the following code that loads the default font theme:

% Beamer Theme Fonts

% Theme choice:

% Beamer theme font

% Title page details: 
\title{Beamer Font Themes (default)} 


% Title page frame

\begin{block}{Math equations}
The Pythagorean theorem is a fundamental relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle:


Compiling this code yields:

– Theme font: professionalfonts

Using \usefonttheme{professionalfonts} instead of \usefonttheme{default} in the above code, we get the following result:

– Theme font: serif

This theme causes all text to be typeset using the default serif font.

– Theme font: structurebold

This font them e will cause titles and text in the headlines, footlines , and sidebars to be typeset in a bold font.

– Theme font: structureitalicserif

This theme is similarly as the structurebold font theme, but where structurebold makes text bold, this theme typesets it in italics and in the
standard serif font.

– Theme font: structuresmallcapsserif

Again, this theme does exactly the same as the structurebold font theme, only this time text is set using small caps and a serif font.


  • In this lesson, we presented different commands and options to change Beamer font size, shape and family. Moreover, we highlighted different available theme fonts.

Next Lesson: 14 Beamer Table – Full guide with examples