1. Numbered Figure/Table Captions in beamer

By default, Beamer does not produce numbered captions for tables as well as for figures. To produce numbered captions in beamer we used the command \setbeamertemplate{caption}[numbered] in the preamble.

Check the following example:

% Numbered captions in Beamer

% Theme choice

% set the caption option of the template



% insert a figure
    \caption{The prefix is removed!}



Compiling this code yields:

Numbered Figure/Table Captions in beamer

where the default caption does not include numbering:

not Numbered Figure Table Captions in beamer

The image of the Neural Network can be downloaded from here: NN.jpg.

2. Modify Captions in beamer

In the following code the caption configuration is changed so as to produce the usual caption but without the prefix:

% Modify prefix caption

% Theme choice

% set the caption option of the template

% \raggedright is used to prevent bad justification
% and \par is used to end the paragraph



% insert a figure
    \caption{The prefix is removed!}



Compiling this code yields:

Remove figure table caption