You may have seen people making a presentation in beamer and showing slides progressively, pressing enter each time they want to show a new element. This is the most used feature of slide presentation programs, and of course beamer offers you a way to emulate it using beamer overlays.
Pause, one of beamer overlay commands to show elements one by one!
The following illustrative example shows how to uncover elements of a list one by one using the pause command:
% Beamer pause command \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{EastLansing} \begin{document} \begin{frame}{What is Pause in Beamer?} The \textbf{trajectory} of a switched system in steady state reflects: \begin{itemize} \item The switching frequency; \pause \item The spent time in each subsystem; \pause \item The number of subsystems used; \pause \item and the succession of these subsystems. \end{itemize} \end{frame} \end{document}
Compiling this code yields to 4 slides showing the list elements one by one:
Beamer has much more to offer in this aspect, especially using overlay specifications, that offer you an incredible amount of possibilities. If you are interested on a more thorough tutorial on beamer overlays, you can find it here.